Saturday, July 13, 2019

Baptismal Regeneration and the WCF

The following article was originally published in The Confessional Presbyterian Journal 4 (2008).

Baptismal Regeneration and the Westminster Confession of Faith
D. Patrick Ramsey


What does baptism do?  Unfortunately, a common answer will not be found among the different branches of Christianity.  At one end of the spectrum are those who make much of baptism in that it is a converting ordinance.  At the other end are those who claim that baptism is a mere sign of our salvation and profession of faith.

In a stimulating essay, the late evangelical Patristic and Reformation scholar, David F. Wright asserted that the Westminster Confession of Faith, which according to Benjamin Warfield holds the preeminence among the Reformed Confessions,[1] teaches that baptism conveys converting grace.[2] Thus, for Wright, there is at least a strand, indeed a significant strand, of Reformed thought at one end of the spectrum, holding to baptismal regeneration.

Lessons from an Old Theological Controversy

  Lessons from an Old Theological Controversy By D. Patrick Ramsey   Introduction             Theological controversies are nothin...